Signature Wit #3 - Short Poems & Snippets

The core idea to have this blog was to publish my poems. There came a time when I ceased writing them, may be I ran out of ideas or I really lost the knack of doing that - I am not sure. But it never completely eluded me, I kept writing short snippets now and then so, even though there was discontinuity but the connection was not lost. 
Here is a collection of few of them, some are my own and others are something that I have picked up because I really liked them.

Arabian Nights Intro

Oh I come from a land, from a faraway place
Where the caravan camels roam
Where they cut off your ear
If they don't like your face
It's barbaric, but hey, it's home 
When the wind's from the east
And the sun's from the west
And the sand in the glass is right
Come on down
Stop on by
Hop a carpet and fly
To another Arabian night

On Love - By Kabir

प्रीत न कीजिये पंछी जैसी, जल सूखे उड जाय!
प्रीत तो कीजिये मछली जैसी, जल सूखे मर जाय!

Translation - 
Don't let your love be like that of a bird which flies away when the water gets dried. 
Let your love be like a fish that dies when water dries.

Quatrain 1

"Men", said the Devil,
"Are kind to their brothers."
"They don't want to mend
their own ways, but each other's."

Quatrain 2

It's no secret that a conscience can sometimes be a pest
It's no secret ambition bites the nails of success
Every artist is a cannibal, every poet is a thief
All kill their inspiration and sing about the grief

Additions to Tolkien's Misty Mountains

Far beneath the lonely mountain steep
From jeweled throne to iron keep
Our Brothers sang as hammers rang
When will our people cease to weep

The dragon stirs in the gloom
He takes to wing to meet his doom
The bowman’s dart flies to its mark
The worm falls deep in waters dark


A SALE is such a funny thing
It brightens up your face
You smile at them, they laugh at you
so you buy one but you've paid for two!

Eternal Sunshine of Spotless Mind

How happy is the blameless vestal's lot! 
The world forgetting, by the world forgot.
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind! 
Each pray'r accepted, and each wish resign'd?
- Alexander Pope

World UFO Day (July 2nd)

Cloudless sky on a moonlit night
Filled with stars shining bright
Look carefully between their twinkle
Waving at you is your alien uncle!

SALE and World UFO Day are written by me, remaining all are borrowed.
As I swim through the valley of my notes and find anything worth this page, then it will be copy pasted here.


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