My Signature Wit#2 - Observations

Once Sherlock told to his best friend Dr Watson - "You see, but you do not observe"

We all see, we keep saying and most times do nothing. Every moment keeps passing like a film roll, things keep happening and we keep munching pop corns.
I have seen many things too. There are moments when you see something and it distracts you from just seeing it. This distraction is pivotal for making an observation. An observation is an additional layer to seeing it. Observation is a reaction, a mental one. 
Below is collection of such discontinuous observations that I had from time to time.

Spider Man's Hindi Poster

The English poster of Spiderman 2 said -"His Greatest Battle Begins"
The same thing in Hindi was written - 
"Jab sab dushman honge viruddh
Woh karega jeevan aur maut ka Yuddh"
In Hindi - सारे दुश्मन होंगे विरूद्ध वो करेगा जीवन मौत का युद्ध
Now you call it stupidity or creativity?

Office Cabs

Office cabs are like single seaters one seat per person until all the seats r occupied and then you apply a gender matching algorithm to share a seat with someone and if and only if this algorithm fails you sit wherever possible!

Confused Patriotism

Today when I opened a box of Karachi biscuits to eat, I paused and wondered if my actions would have any ramifications? At times like this when we are trying to isolate our hostile neighbor. With biscuit in hand and confused thoughts in mind I stood waiting planning my next move as I had already paid for this box and then a flash in my memory made me aware that these biscuits come from the famous Karachi Bakery of Hyderabad so I ate it anyway.
~ Musings of a nation's citizen whose country is caught in turmoil of ideological differences with its neighbors and has suffered the loss of its innocent countrymen and soldiers persistently year after year

ವಿಷ್ಣುವಿನ ತಾಳ್ಮೆ ಇರಲಿ ಆದರೆ ನರಸಿಂಹನ ಕೋಪ ಮರಿಬ್ಯಾಡ

The Steep Curve of Technology

The Telephone(Landline): A technology we saw reach its zenith and then go obsolete (not entirely) in our own lifetime. Just tells us about how steep the curve is, the one we are climbing in an accelerated fashion

The Source Code of Satish

The Ship of Theseus is a well known paradox
Let me present the alternate version: "The Source Code of Satish"

"If every routine in the source code written by u during development phase eventually gets replaced by different routines written by different programmers during maintenance phase. The lines written by you are probably commented out and left to stale. The only part that remains to indicate any association with you is your name in the Created By section. Then can we conclude that this was the same program written by you ? or is it a completely different program?"

Tolkenism In Local Setting

Normal Proverb: Where there is a will there is a way 
J R R Tolkien's version: Where will wants not, there opens a way 
My Take 1: Where there is a river there is a civilization
My Take 2: Where there are homes there are Kirana Stores

#ThinkingLoud - Really?

Two Types of People

There are two kinds of people in the World!
The one's who type capital letters by switching on the CAPS LOCK mode and others who hold on to the SHIFT button while they type on.

Which category do you belong to?

Bugged Down By Social Media

Facebook was supposed to be an online place where friends meet, share and chat. A fun place basically. Well, if it had just remained that I would have been quite happy instead it has become an online battleground for religious and political ideologies. 
The bullshit that floats around makes me smirk. The morphed images, the offensive remarks an invisible air of tension always hangs around. Being opinionated is one thing and bring preachy is a different game.


Thumbing is the New Typing

Thumbing is the new Typing!
Its ironical though - As the device got smaller we started using the finger that was bigger!
The fluidity that you get in typing is unmatched, with thumbing it feels a lot more viscous - like a paste oozing out only when u press hard, with additional risk of accidentally touching other receptive areas on your touchscreen resulting in unexpected complications.
Typing on Keyboard is unabashed, the soft clicks, the low hums and thuds - all contributed and managed to provide a mental pleasure equal to writing; I can only imagine what type writers might have felt with all that sounds rising from complex mechanical movements of keys.Thumbing is boring, it is slow, its restrictive, its sensitive, and it tries to learn my typing patterns.

Thank Lord, programmers still use keyboards!!

So, these were some of the observations presented as short snippets.
Do check out Signature Wit #3 - it will have a poetic essence.


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