We the Programmers

We the Programmers
We code in day and crack at night
Shifting the binary digits left and right
Languages give a form but logic adds the life
Cubicle is our cosmos and computer our wife

We program the gadgets you feel are super cool
AT&T Bell labs is our ancestor’s old school
When Jobs met Woznaik Apple was found
We made Audio drivers to provide you with sound

C and C++ are prerequisite to join our kin
Linux has trash & windows recycle bin
Keyboards & mouse are our essential tools
In the world of computers we define the rules

We designed the GUIs but still prefer commands
Working within time limits for customer’s demand
For us only 10 numbers exist, one & zero
Charles Babbage is our most revered hero

The supercomputers are our Rolls Royce
The robust Java is weapon of our choice
Though Microsoft believes .NET is better option
Open source is the way to go is our notion

With JavaScript and AJAX we make wonders
Infinite loops add to our unending blunders
For us Python is language not a snake
With dynamic allocations memory is at stake

Arrays and matrices are manipulated through loops
As we unveil the software there are loud whoops
Importing the header files & inbuilt functions
Comments are what we usually forget to mention

You are misled if you reckon that we are geeks
We may look tensed identifying memory leaks
Pointers confused us so we eliminated them in java
Designing the GUIs of IPhones and mobiles like LAVA

Staring at screen searching for errors
We never bother to even look at mirrors
Iteration or recursion is the choice we all face
Logical errors are the ones that are hard to face

Beer doesn’t work so coffee is our drink   
Higher the caffeine levels better we think
We don’t give a damn for all those warnings
Loving or PCs more than our darlings
We have changed the way you work & live
Challenging the technology to create something new
We aren’t essential but we are still there
World without us you won’t dare!

                            ~ Surya
                            Digitally yours


  1. one of your fine poems.....but hard yo digest in me....goood one>>>>


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