Symbiotic Love

If there is darkness
I won't hold a torch for you
I will hold your hand
Together we can walk through
If it rains
I won't hold an umbrella for you
I will stand beside you
Together we can get drenched
If its sunny
I won't pull you under a shade
I will push you in a pool
Together we can swim and splash
If it's cold
I won't buy you a new jacket
I will embrace you
Together we can feel the warmth
If it's windy
I may not be able to do much
If it's arid
I might run out of ideas
Protect you, I will
Shield you, I won't

Life is beautiful, you've to see
Not with my eyes but with your own
World is strange, you've to know
Not with my tales but travels of your own
Love is uplifting, you've to feel
Not with my poems but by losing your heart to me

I want you to grow
But not in my shadow
If you want me to be your superman
You've go to be my wonder woman

Sure the universe is a big place
I won't let you get lost
Light years may separate us
But I will follow with speeds superluminal
And, just for that physicists will call me criminal 


P.S: Speeds greater than that of light are called superluminal speeds. Travelling at superluminal speed breaks the laws of physics and hence makes me a criminal


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